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Empath Designs

Helping people find a deeper connection through symbolic art

Empath Designs

Helping people find a deeper connection through symbolic art

Empath Designs is a visual artist from Melbourne. Germaine, the artist, creates symbolic art that evokes mindfulness with the intention to help people find a deeper connection with themselves using art and the practice of mindfulness.Germaine is passionate about all things symbolic and believes that we can tap into the power of symbolism to integrate that with our wellbeing practices for self-love.With a background in digital, web and user experience design, Empath Designs focuses on creating digital artwork that helps people to get in touch with their emotional state of being in order to support themselves or to support others.
For people wanting a deeper connection with themselves to improve their wellbeing, art by Empath Designs® can help you form that connection you seek accompanied with the simple practice of mindfulness. Together they promote long-term stress reduction and feelings of fulfilment unlike costly therapies or impulse experiences. Symbolic art opens you up to endless opportunities to find love and happiness within yourself.
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